Thursday, June 13, 2013

Look around..Shapes are everywhere

Look around you..At all the shapes around.. Some are perpendicular while others are square or oval...The circles can lead to important strengths and weaknesses we see in ourselves...For these moments we need to connect the dots and allow the dots to conform to the shapes we see in our minds. These dots lead to moments that can draw us closer to a better awareness of the negativity around us. Through the shapes we can better see our thoughts & through our thoughts we can then see a better understanding of ourselves...... What is it that we see when we look at an object in our mental state?Can we look past the odd shapes and sizes and possibly look past them to gain a better understanding of ourselves? The better the understanding the more we can allow for our mental state to bring clarity.This is the clarity we need to go forward to the positive from the negative in order to create a better path full of healthfulness..Kind of,if you will,the yin & yang effect.. as HUMANS we all have bad days.But how can we draw wisdom through sadness?Happiness through anger?We are AFTER ALL humans...We naturally have emotional breakdowns.But it's up to us to allow for the strength we need to erase the negativity and invite a a sense of awareness and allow for newness to send in the happier moments.. These shapes can guide us to a better understanding to allow for us to heal from our mental breakdowns..NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the power of healing..Because we do heal..ALBEIT SLOWLY but our hearts heal little by little each day as we gain strength through wisdom we find from our spiritual paths..... So......look at that oval shape...And allow your mind to look at the path it takes you. The square shape can transform itself into a circle... BRING IT ON and connect those dots...And create the desired shape you're dreaming of..... And in the end.....You'll soon shape your life the way it was meant to be created!!!! Have fun & grooooooove past those undesirable moments with dignity & grace through wisdom & love the peace shall become...the yin and yang effect NAMASTE & Smilezzzzzzzzzzzzand a better sense of awareness

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Making The Most.....Outta life

It's just as important to be careful as it is to be carefree.. Living life to the fullest is what life is about.It's the only way to create a hapDancepiness effect.You have to create a barrier for a lifetime of happiness...If you don't then you're lifetime of achievement will be pushed aside & you'll NEVER FEEL.....the bit of happiness you desire to create... Learn to live without the fear of the unknown...You need to learn to be FEARLESS instead of FEARFUL. How do we do that?By living in the now instead of living in the past or instead of the for the future. Playing instead of being serious..Look at how kids live..With that fearless attitude.. That's how we as adults should allow ourselves to be!!!!! I love playing in the rain and walking in the puddles...These moments create character!!! Next time you go through a stressful moment....Think about what you wish for or where you wish to be!!!!...And PLEASE......NEXT TIME YOU SEEEEEEEE a puddle walk in it with the laughter and finesse of a child..We all have that LITTLE KINDRED spirit inside of us... Live it Love it BE IT!!!!!For we ALLL NEED that playful energy on a rainy.stormy.dull. tired.stressful day! DREAM BIG!!!!!LIVE CAREFREE....FEARLESS & HAPPPPPY <3 <3 <3 Smilezzzzzzzzzzs & NAMASTE