Friday, June 1, 2012

The rain..Falls down on you

The rain keeps the rhtyhms going with nature. Though it's annoying to have to deal with it,all day everyday haahaaaaahaaa yes,I hate getting stuck in the middle of it,and like everyone else,would prefer the warm sunny days BUT,we need rainy days to appreciate the warm sunny days!Let's learn to enjoy the rain!Make our own groooves and rhythm..Yes I do prefer the sunny days!But without rainfall we can't have a healthy environment. So,perhaps we can be one with the rain and let it fall on us. It is,I have to say a relaxing moment for all of us,think what it does to us when it rains.It makes us relax..The sound to watching the raindrops!It's quite good for the soul. So have a grooooovy weekend and enjoy...the rain and may the rain,fall down on us!* And may we learn from the rain and it's fabulous energy~* NAMASTE & Smilezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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