Thursday, July 19, 2012

Caring is believing.

Caring for one another without being a hater?That's believing,yes..believing that the inner mind can control the heart and soul enough to care about another person's needs and wants,desires....!Can be controlled by the desires from your soul. When you control your soul,you will see how easy it is to care and believe in the power of the positive world of consideration,for another person's thoughts.Another person's needs. Until then,ONLY til you can learn to control your soul will your mind and heart teach you how to believe in another person's DESIRES and will you then CARE enough to believe in the other person's needs. We as humans,need to open up to the levels of consideration for one another because REALLY,there are way to many people who think of themselves before doing for other people that we come across on a daily basis.Let's just learn how to be more patient and caring and BELIEVE in helping one another.Channeling the positive energy of a Buddhist Monk or Hindu God will we then LEARN how to be more patient and loving and caring.We need to remember that we ARE not on this earth ALONE but together and we need to work together to keep this world safe from negative energies that cause us to be off kilter.Can we just learn to be more patient with one another? If you see another person who needs help,OFFER them help and comfort them with a HUG and wish them well.Listen to what they need.Because though they may need NOTHING,they need to be heard and LOVED and CARED for...All we need is togetherness.Helpfulness.LOVENESS and PEACEFULNESS.......A zenful energy can be helpful when we are trying to be a BETTER person....When it comes down to it,we ARE ALL one!NOONE is BETTER or LESSER of a person than the other.We ALL share the same common feelings inside.We BLEED the same color,CRY when things are sad and SMILE when things are HAPPY! So,please,NEXT time you see another person in need,STOP and LISTEN..Because it might be just what they want,NEED..DESIRE!EVERYONE needs someone to listen to their thoughts. Be the caring person we are NATURALLY!Because in the end...CARING is BELIEVING! *NAMASTE & Smilezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz because they BOTH make the world a BETTER place to be HEARTS..LOVES...and HUGS!Kissses too

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