Monday, April 23, 2012

Life lessons...empowerment helps

Within our souls are lessons that we learn on a daily basis. These are called LIFE lessons.Indeed the lessons are not always what we want to endure in life I know and realize this but THEY are meant for us to have in order to see what life has to offer us.Without these HARD life lessons,life would not be interesting.Empowering the mind comes from things we choose in life for us to GRAVITATE towards.Don't shy away from these lessons ok? Because shying away from a lesson of the day will only create a shadow of what you need to focus on.Not GOOD,no it's definitely NOT a great idea for us to ignore these energies.*laughing* Seriously though,we need to have endurance in our life otherwise we would never learn about ourselves.The lessons we learn from are,how hard did you motivate yourself because you had to REALLLLLLY tough it out and THINK about your actions?How hard did you work on the situation,did you FORCE it and BARELY get things done the right way or did you take the time to work on it so that it came to you the way you needed it to?Look at the way things are done and you will KNOW how to solve the issue you have... Because,how easy would it be if we all had it easy?Yes,it would be wonderful having an experience where everything happens with a snap of the fingers,definitely WOULD yes...hmmmm..But realisticly,would you REALLY want that?I'm thinking.NO!I know I wouldn't!OK,I'd LOVE to be a millionaire and travel the world,I know one day I will..I plan on it.I want this blog to be successful.Yes I do!I take this seriously and mindfully.... But a challenge in life it just makes the day brighter in my mindful way of thinking.Because without the challenges,there would never be something blocking us.What would we have to face or learn from,right? OK,....I don't know about you BUT I tend to like things that are the hard because the more focused I am to GRAB what I WANT in life......I will REACH for it more. Take advantage of that challenged energy and focus on what you are looking for. Serenity and tranquility to focus on surrendering to what you want in life..Yes it will make it is easy for the ego to open up and allow for the abundance of your well-being energy.So stay with that focus and follow it,let's just see where it takes you!* You see,in yoga,we use surrender as a tool for our energies to SEND things our way.Sending the universe messages that will end up in our hands.OK?So,just like in everyday life,if you use your empowering mind you can have ANYTHING you wish for in life.And if you follow your soul and see where it guides you,you will not only have your wish,but you will have a life you ALWAYS believed you could have.It's a fierce way to think And...NO it's not always easy I know! BUT if you TRAIN your mind and your heart and soul and create that image,then you begin to live and breathe that lifestyle. ~*NAMASTE & lift open that mind to create a newness and a mindful energy that draws from your life lessons,and turns them into a willpower to CHALLENGE YOURself.ALLOWING for your life lesson to turn itself into a REALITY of an opened heart that will end up taking your dreams from just that,a DREAM,and making them more real through your willpower.Turning the willpower into a more WILLful life. *HEART & SOULFUL dreams always HAPPEN when you BELIEVE in them!~* **************SMILEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ* *_~

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