Thursday, April 26, 2012

This Goes Out To The One I Love!!!!!.....

Mood...What is my mood today?Wonderful happiness mood. It's my mood that I get into when I am around my husband.He creates this warmth in my soul. Health,wellness and beauty come deep into play here because when yoiu are happy and inlove,it tends to create that healthy glow that comes from smiling.Wellness because I get into a positive energy that just being around him can only create. Beauty...well,hmmm I feel....BEAUTIFUL when he looks into my eyes and he tells me that he loves me,it just sends a spark in my soul that no other person can create,EVER! Ok so on to my mood..Yes..That mood that is created when I am around the joy and happiness.It alters it a little and of course!IT should. What is your mood today?I hope that wherever you are when you read this,it brings a smile to your face as it is on my face while I am writing this... I hope that whatever you are doing in your life,there is LOVE around you.Because I believe in love and I BELIEVE that EVERYONE deserves to be happy and inlove like I am with my husband. ~*NAMASTE..LOVE! and HEALTHY.Wellness.BEAUTY Smilezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Love the one you're with and NEVER let them go.....FEEL blessssed!AS I do with my husband This Goes Out To The ONE I Love..............Forever INLOVE!

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